Direct Deposit Notes

Donate by Direct Deposit for DRE'S Partner GDG

Step 1: Direct Bank Deposit (online or in branch)

Direct Deposit tax deductible donations can be made via:

Commonwealth Bank Australia

Global Development Group

BSB: 064118

Account No. 10200094

  • Ongoing regular deposits need to be arranged with your bank.
  • Please ensure you include the J750N number in the description of the direct deposit – this will show on our bank statement & ensure identification.

Step 2: Email your donation details

Email your donation details.

We receive multiple direct deposit donations daily, so please ensure that you contact us with your donation details.

The donation details we need are:-

a) The name & address of the donor for receipting purposes and/or name on deposit description

b) The amount & date of the donation & the frequency e.g. monthly or once only

c) The preferred project J750N number